Fishing For Wishes 2023
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Fishing For Wishes

The Fishing for Wishes Tournament’s mission is to raise funds and awareness in the Tampa Bay area for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern, Florida. The funds raised at the tournament are directly contributed to the local chapter granting wishes for children battling critical illnesses. The Southern Florida chapter serves 22 counties in Florida; including the Tampa Bay region granting a wish every 14 hours.


The Fishing for Wishes Tournament advocates on behalf of Make-A-Wish Southern Florida and its patients. We’ve developed a number of sponsorship packages that offer a variety of valuable benefits that help keep our sponsor partnerships long lasting.


Since inception in 2015, the tournament has drawn over 200 people, including approximately 45 crews. Over the past several years this Tournament has been able to grant countless wishes to children fighting critical illnesses. To date we have raised over $1 million dollars in 7 years and hope to continue raising the bar each year through sponsorship packages, auctions and raffles.

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